aku ter konpius ngn soklan2 nowadays..nape aku weird?aku weird ke?kawan2ku..aku pun ada ati n prasaan..ofcoz i luf to fall in luf..tu jawapan 1st aku..no 2,aku anti laki??exactly wrong,im not!!no 3, aku pasti suka ada hubungan `kawan` klu diorang series nak `just a friend`..aku tak salahkan sesapa..ngn kerelaan ati aku sendri aku nak be alone,aku bukan weird bukan anti lelaki dan bukan takmo kawan ngn lelaki,da point is guys dun like to be just friend..im not dat type dat will waste my precious time dealing with those condition.what??is dat weird?kawan2ku,asalkan aku hepy apa pun takpe kan..ni ja aku mintak,kekadang aku taktao nak jawab apa tapi pecayalah,aku bukan tutup pintu kebahagiaan,sesungguhnya luka perlukan masa untuk smbuh..sakit nya sgt2 smpai kekadang sgt2 buat aku serik.pecayala..yang aku perlukan hanya masa.aku bahagia ngn idup aku skg.asalkan kawan2ku ada..hi3...
we dont need guys to be happy... and we dont get bf because we have to have it just like others... we have bf if we think that he's the one... the question here is NOT why you dont have a bf BUT is their bf does really worth it??? or they just get their bf just for the sake of having one???? what's the big deal of being single??? i took my time choosing my guy and i'm happy i did... because i dont want to just pick one loser to be the one...
so chill up... i think single life is fun... it's full of exciting stuff.... being just yourself... no hypocrisy...
thanks tasha..its exactly wat i want to say..thanks for da comment..thank u..=)
jgn lupa masuk blog aku... best gila....sedap....wkakkaa... sedap cm KFC..!! wkkakak
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