Aku xmau jadi orang lain. Aku nak jadi diri sendiri. Terus terang aku cakap, aku bukan orang yang sangat teliti. Aku sometimes even 'lengai'~haha. Jee, stop laughing.
Im getting married in 4 months time. Surprise! Well the decision happen to be like that after i carefully think all over again and ask everyone important in my life. Fer all the opinion yang sincere, thank you. Yup semua orang-orang kesayangan i ni sangat caring. Aku dah fikir pro's & con's. Now i choose Him to become my future husband~'my other half'~!I'll name him as 'darl~temporary' inside here start from today until i find a suitable name.
Let's continue our preparations story. Darl ask me, on our 'akad nikah' ceremony, what will i be needed. I ask Jee and she sayz hantaran akad nikah from him and from me. What make me confuse is what i see from others ceremony, we only need hantaran akad nikah from husband side as per akad ring, al-quran, prayer suit and 'mas kahwin'. From the bride side kena bagi apa eh? Im so confuse.
Im so excited about the theme's colour and the design for my 'kebaya'. Well darl leave all the desicion in my hand. He wants me to be happy on our day.
Im so excited and my life changes a lot since last Monday, 21st December 2009. The day Darl propose me~aww suwett okay.
I never never tot of getting married to the same guy that i dated nearly 4 years..
Im so touched. I lof u darl. So so much.
Okok, im doing some research of the hantaran. Will update later in other entry.
congrat ain....
jgn lupa jemput...hahahhaa
happy for u.
thank u princess in her own world.hehe
beb.. apa pun keputusan hg. aku sentiasa sokong.. =)
as one of ya bestie, aku slalu doakan yg tebaik.. =)
i'm happy 4 ya 2.. ;D
thank you my dear. aku tau hang akan ok dengan apa pun decision aku. thanks k. aku harap klu boleh hang datang la. time akad nikah k
aku sapot ain... wakaka... wei check out this blog!
aku sgt suka bride ni!
wow..best siot klu dpt kawin camtuh..meriah & besar2an...
thanks tasha anyway... nnt we meet up... need opinion pasal baju...
sure.. insyaallah aku akn p..
hg panggey ja bila waktu dan tarikh, aite beb! =)
i'm happy 4 u mil!
semua ni mmg surprised gila!
hahaha...congrates my dear.. =)
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