14th Oct-Happy Besday my dear Jee
15th Oct-Happy Besday Acikebum
Tonight me&Atin organize one small party for my 2 sweet friend. Gonna upload the picha's next week ya. Happy Deepavali to all the Hindu's those read ma bloque. Thanks for da holidayyy..yeaY! Will be back by Tuesday. Im so free today. Had finish all my filing and punch card calculating. Still have few job, m saving it for next week.heehee... All the Hindu's superior went back early and most of my Manager went to Genting for Gold Awards Festival (izit?nevamindd). Shirin being good to me this past few days. My mood are getting better and better. I lurf to talk talk talk with the friend, MOSTLY Jee, Ila, Romey, Atin the Sis, Clazmate John, Sharon, Vasugi (Nu Bridez) and love love love to talk Nina Bobo Language eventhough i didn't understand. Enjoy my day. I'm happy.

Santai di lobby..haha

Romey nyampah bila aku wat mulut tuh.haha. Check out my swollen eyes. Don't want to cry anymore. Nanti blind. Jom happy-happy. Jom cuti. huhu...
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