One way or another, we all have experienced what we called a "Broken Heart" and it's not comfortable to feel the broken part of yourself. There are many types of broken terms, it can be a broken legs ,toes, fingers or whatever broken in your body parts but those parts are not as hard to get healed compared to your heart. Once your heart is broken the pain will remain forever, it might not to all people but usually before the pain it's gone you already suffered the worst possible feelings. Not like if you broke your butt, you can still sit down in the next few months once treated by the Chiropractor or doctors. But your heart will turn apart and rip your soul once someone poke a needle on it by cheating, or just simply falling out of love or you lost your loved one or family members who died in the war or other natural disaster that caused you pain. So how will you handle the situation and then fix your broken heart then? Of course, you cannot saw your heart in order to feel better again and you cannot drag someone either to help you out if you yourself is not willing to accept the truth. Relationship has deeper pain compared to your broken arms so knowing how to fix your broken heart is really important in your daily life activities. When someone just broke up on you, your job is nothing and seems everything is nonsense to you but if you know how to fix that situation then you will feel better in any bad situation in your relationship or in life.
*The most common that will break your heart is probably when your husband or partner in relationship will cheat on you. How to fix this? It's not easy but it can be done. Swimming might help you to relax your muscles and your mind. Our brain is focusing in the bad situation if you are not doing anything else beside thinking your broken relationship or lost lover. Keep yourself busy while your heart is fighting to survive to stay focus in your life.
*Try to meet more friends online or in your community or at work place. Opening your problems to your friends will help you feel comfortable because your brain feels more secure to listen what your family or friend's suggestions. Sometimes, your fear will push you more to feel insecure and that's why your heart broke apart. Keep courage for yourself and fight for what you think is right.
*Eat your favorite foods with your friends or family when you are heart broken. Some of us will not eat if their boyfriend or girlfriend or husband left them. The more you skip eating the harder to recover your feelings. If you can taste the foods alright while your relationship is going to fall apart then keep it that way provided that you will not stay in your room and sleep after you eat. The foods will help you stay strong and feels better even if your emotion is cloudy for a while.
*Exercise is good to heal that broken heart. The more you put more time in yourself the better the results of your mental strength. Your mind and your body has something in common that you can enjoy while you are in the middle of a bad relationship or situation. If your brain is sad then make your body work for it without feeling hopeless or a loser in the situation.
*Respect and treat yourself right. If your boyfriend or girlfriend just run away from you with another species (hehe), just relax and think of the positive outlook. Maybe, you will be better off without him/her and then enjoy yourself with that matter. If you cannot afford to keep him or her, then why not buy something that you can afford. Shop around with your friends and treat yourself with something that is worth to buy than just keep chasing your boyfriend or girlfriend.
*Looking for an immediate shield in your broken heart is not always a good solution to your situation. You will ended up hurting yourself sooner if you are so unfortunate in a relationship so why not focus your own dreams first and then work hard in your job to get your goal in the future. A real relationship will knock you off either you wish for it or not, so instead of looking for new replacement to fix your broken heart, why not get busy with your job and be successful.
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